
Easter Sunday

I haven’t felt much like crocheting for several days. Hopefully I’ll feel better tomorrow and pick up my crocheting hook again. This morning, I watched  the old movie Easter Parade  starring Fred Astaire and Judy Garland. I really like that movie.

I received colored Easter  eggs , a small oval Easter cake and a very pretty bunch of colorful flowers from friends. 

I read an interesting thread on the site in the discussion board in the Blog Hub section. A suggestion was posted that tomorrow(April 25,2011) be a day to dedicate either a blog post or your  blog site to someone. Go to for details. I plan to participate. 

I hope everyone enjoyed their Easter Sunday today. I had very peaceful day.


I Wish There Were More Television Shows About Knitting and Crocheting.

I am still crocheting the black and purple scarf for P. I hope to be finished soon. I also made a list of yarn I need to order next week. I have a doctor’s appointment next week.  It will be nice to get out of this apartment.  I went out once in February. It is hard for me to believe that I used to be able go outside everyday. I am thankful  to have something to look forward to. However, I wish I was going somewhere else. If I feel well enough, I might go out to a restaurant with a few friends to celebrate my birthday in May.

In yesterday’s blog post, I wrote about a crocheting book I like. Today, I want to mention a television show I like. Knit and Crochet Now is one of my favorite craft programs.  It is shown  weekly through a local PBS station. I have been watching it for a couple of years. I don’t know if any new shows have been taped for this year. Repeat programs have been aired for the past several months. 

The program is about 30 minutes. Each program features a knitting project and a crocheting project.  Instructions for making an afghan square are also shown. All patterns are available on the Knit and Crochet Now website. Interviews with well-known people in knit and crochet fields are also shown. I first heard about Etsy and Ravelry from this program.

Knitting Daily is another program I like.  It is also shown through a PBS station.  Several years, ago HGTV station had a show called Knitty Gritty hosted by Vickie Howell.   I wish that there were more shows on television about crocheting and knitting.